Clearance Criteria

Clearance Criteria

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Clearance Criteria

Post Remediation Clearance Criteria

 The Post Mold Remediation Visual Exam

After the job has been remediated, a walk through visual exam is conducted, generally, by the Project Manager. This exam in done before taking the post remediation samples. The post remediation sampling is used to determine that the project requirements were completed. A ‘white glove’ test is conducted to verify that the remediation zone(s) is free of any dust/debris. It is important to re-inspect any areas that were structurally correct prior to the mold remediation to ensure that there is no moisture/water intrusion in that or any vicinity. The visual inspection is conducted after all the remediation, HVAC system cleaning, contents cleaning/disposal, and HEPA vacuuming is completed and prior to removing the containment zone. Only after passing a white glove test are the post remediation samples collected and sent to the lab for analysis. It is as always essential that the sampling is planned and methodical.


Total Spore Count Reduction


Is the total spore count below 2,000 c/m3? This number generally represents a normal mold/fungal environment. Many studies have been conducted which support the use of this number. However, in desert areas or snowy winters in the Northeastern United States, for example, much lower total spore counts are not uncommon. Be aware that if significant time has passed or there have been significant weather changes, it is advisable to take another outdoor air sample post remediation. Because air flow through a property is continual, it is best to perform this sampling and then proceed to your comparative analysis.


Comparison of Outdoor Air to Indoor Work Area Sample


The indoor air sample should reflect a lower number than the outdoor air sample. Comparison of each fungal type with before (or after) outdoor air sample and the post remediation indoor work area air sample(s) must be conducted. Each type of mold in the post remediation sampling should be less than the same type of mold on the pre-remediation outdoor sample. Be sure to compare each item (mold, fungi, mycelial fragments, basidiospores etc.) to your before and after mold remediation reports. Each type of organism should not be over 100 c/m3 the outdoor air testing results for that genus/species of mold.


Indicator Species


Indicator mold species are symptomatic of water damage in a property and are often precursors for the growth of other types of mold. Post remediation, the levels of Aspergillus/Penicillium should be less than 200 c/m3.Keep in mind that Aspergillus and Penicillim can have adverse health effects and be allergenic.


 No Target Fungal Species

Target organisms produce toxins which have adverse health effects. Your post remediation sampling should show no levels of these organisms. Target fungal species include. Stachybotrys, Trichoderma, Fusarium, Memnoniella, and Chaetomium. These are zero tolerance organisms. If these are evident in your post mold remediation test results, it can require recleaning and retesting because the presence of these organisms can seriously compromise a building and/or the health of the occupants.  Remember these target organisms can have ill-health effects


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